Rhee Taekwondo Sydney

Martial Art Can Strengthen Your Heart – Is It True?

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Martial Art Can Strengthen Your Heart – Is It True?

Needless to say, heart disease can be the leading cause of death. Individuals of all ages may experience a heart attack, which can lead them to encounter serious heart diseases. But do you know martial arts, especially Taekwondo, are great for the heart? In fact, the cardiac benefits of martial arts are responsible for cardiovascular fitness. Here are some ways martial art classes can strengthen and protect your heart. How Martial Arts Will Protect Your Heart Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure or hypertension can cause heart diseases. But high-intensity martial art workouts play a pivotal role in reducing blood…

5 Ways Taekwondo Can Instill Self-Confidence in Women

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5 Ways Taekwondo Can Instill Self-Confidence in Women

Taekwondo is more than self-defence. It can change you mentally, physically, and emotionally. According to studies, women of all ages can tremendously benefit from practising this Korean martial art as it provides a full body and mind workout. But one of the most obvious changes they can realize is their self-confidence. Taekwondo can be an important tool in installing confidence in women. How? Continue reading! How Taekwondo Can Boost Self-Confidence in Women Martial Art Empowers Women Unfortunately, many women are still victims of bullying and societal pressure. But practising a martial art can help them realize their self-worth. The more…

Can Martial Art Really Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence?

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Can Martial Art Really Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence?

Is your kid shy? Then it's truly tough for him/her to encounter challenges.  Having Low self-confidence can make life more difficult. So, why not enrol your kid in a martial art academy? You may think that martial arts only offer physical benefits. But they have a lot of positive impacts on life. Aside from being an excellent way to keep your little one active, martial arts, especially Taekwondo, can help develop self-confidence. How Martial Arts Can Help Build Self-Confidence Empowers Your Kid to Stand Up Bullying is a growing problem in schools. And as a parent, you can’t protect your…

Martial Arts Are a Perfect Family Activity – Is It?

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Martial Arts Are a Perfect Family Activity – Is It?

Are you looking for a great family activity? Then ensure you choose an activity that can entertain everyone in your family of all ages. Many people enjoy sports. But it can be difficult at certain ages. But martial arts, especially Taekwondo, can be a great activity that works best for your family's fitness. Below are the reasons why martial arts can be a perfect family activity. Why Martial Arts Are Considered a Perfect Family Activity An Opportunity to Set Goals with Your Family Learning and advancing in martial arts, like Taekwondo, means you are attending classes with your family members.…

Are Martial Arts Classes Helpful for Kids to Punch Depressions?

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Are Martial Arts Classes Helpful for Kids to Punch Depressions?

Nowadays, mental health issues have become a major social concern. Even children are not an exception! They also become victims of depression and anxiety because of various stressful events. But according to studies, martial arts classes, especially Taekwondo, are quite effective in improving the mental health of kids. Martial art is a type of physical activity that not only affects your body but also challenges your mind. It can help you combat anger, anxiety, and depression. Here’s how martial arts can help reduce anxiety and depression. How Martial Arts Can Help Deal with Depression Stress Relief With excessive pressure on…

5 Must-Have Qualities to Be a Good Student of Martial Arts

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5 Must-Have Qualities to Be a Good Student of Martial Arts

You might think a good martial art student is someone who can do fantastic kicking, punching, and more. Some students perform martial art activities terrifically well. But aside from performing moves flawlessly, a good student should follow all the rules of martial arts. According to an expert, “Many people practice Tae Kwon; very few practice Tae Kwon Do”. Tae means foot, and Kwon means fist. Do refers to the art or way. So, together it means the art of the foot and fist. A good practitioner should practice this Korean martial art, remembering all principles. Below are the qualities that…

Taekwondo Is Effective for Weight Loss – Is It True?

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Taekwondo Is Effective for Weight Loss – Is It True?

Yes, absolutely! Taekwondo will help shed your extra pounds. This Korean martial art involves certain activities that will encourage your body to continue burn calories. Taekwondo training is a gradual process that will help you lose weight as you progress. And once you attend the class, you will see noticeable differences in a few weeks. Here’s how Taekwondo can help you lose weight and achieve the right shape of your body. How Taekwondo Can Help Lose Weight Cardiovascular Training Cardiovascular training in Taekwondo will help you burn the most calories. According to a study, a one hour class can burn…

3 Surprising Lessons You Can Learn from Taekwondo

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3 Surprising Lessons You Can Learn from Taekwondo

People learn Taekwondo for different reasons. Some want to acquire self-defence skills, while others want to be physically fit and build confidence. The great thing about this Korean martial art is that it will teach you some life lessons that will enrich every aspect of your life. Taekwondo can change you both physically and mentally. Let’s explore some lessons you can learn from this martial art. What You Can Learn from Taekwondo   Physical Capabilities Taekwondo involves breaking boards, which will show you how hard you can strike. On the other hand, jumping kicks will show you how athletic and…

3 Ways Martial Arts Teach Practitioners to Be Patient

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3 Ways Martial Arts Teach Practitioners to Be Patient

Being patient is one of the most crucial traits that everyone must-have in any field. It will make you healthier, both mentally and physically. By being patient, one can take an informed decision. Patience leads to confidence and decisiveness. And these are the qualities that martial arts cultivate. Martial arts teaches learners the value of patience, which is especially important for kids’ development. By learning the value of patience, you will be more determined to achieve your goal. But make sure you enrol your name in a reliable training school. However, today, in this blog, we have shared a few…

Some Sure-Fire Tricks to Concentrate on Your Martial Art Training

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Some Sure-Fire Tricks to Concentrate on Your Martial Art Training

Practising martial arts is not only training the body but also the mind. It can also be useful for developing focus and concentration. And that is where many learners encounter difficulties. Whether it’s the kicking or punching techniques of Taekwondo, it requires immense concentration to acquire the skills. Knowing the techniques mentally is as important as applying them physically. So, before you look for a training school, let’s take a look at some sure-fire tricks that can help you stay focused on your learning. Tricks to Improve Concentration in Your Martial Art Classes Here are a few smart ways you…